Memorial Weekend Thought

A Needed Memorial Weekend


   Memorial Day approaches for the U.S. on Monday. We will all be silent, respectful and even look up some history to gain greater appreciation for the fallen men and women who served the cause. Regardless of the era that a soldier served, giving the full measure of your life is significant and worth a national holiday of remembrance.

   Fighting for freedom is also reflected in a day that we can cease from our labor. Many folks like me have been working hard under lots of stress lately and the event of a day when the phones stop and the email traffic slows is a blessing indeed. I choose not to travel on Memorial weekend since I have been travelling so extensively with my work. To sit still and be calm is my goal.

   Many fires of life rage across our planet this Memorial weekend. In places like Sudan and Libya, there will be little calm and little rest. In our own peace and quiet this weekend we should offer a moment of prayer and solidarity with those persons that are under duress of harm, economics, disease, oppression and hopelessness.

   Memorial Day marks our memory for sacrifice and freedom but should also mark our thirst for the freedom of all men and women everywhere. So in my cessation of normal work, I hope to lift up the fallen and the captive with newfound fervor.