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Made for Worship


   What is our purpose? Why were we born? What is our eternal destiny?

   Not one of us willed ourselves into this world. We did not pick our race, nationality, or the family to which we were born. We cannot make ourselves taller, and we cannot even count the hairs upon our head or the cells within our bodies.

   We were willed into this world by a Creator. Before time began, we were planned. We came from God and we will return to God. We are hewn from the very breath of the eternal Spirit. So how do we answer the questions above?

   God made us for His pleasure and for His purpose. He gave us a will and a mind for sure. And, we are tagged with many human markers of genetics, history and environment. But ultimately, we belong to God. God loves us more than we love ourselves and desires greatly for us to be fully connected to Him.

   We were made for worship of the One who gave us life and sustains us this very day. God longs for our fellowship and for our submission. For it is in this submission and worship that we transcend the mortal brevity of this life.

   From Genesis to Revelation, the scripture describe altars, worship and the connection of man to God. It describes the appropriate relationship, the New Covenant of God to man. It describes the boundaries and laws by which we are to live our lives. We are to worship in spirit and in truth the full Trinity of God.

   For many overachievers and people with a full of a sense of duty, we often think that our highest purpose lies in sacrifice and service. Sacrifice and service are certainly part of our earthly calling, but they are not our purpose. We were made to reflect, acknowledge and bring praise and worship back to our Creator.

   We can worship God in many ways. We worship collectively in congregations and in formal services with fellow believers. We worship through prayer and reflection. We worship by surrendering our will and ways to the spiritual forces of God’s throne.

   The by-products of our worship will be clear. They include a sense of peace, hope and assurance. Worship makes us humble and fills us with love and forgiveness. Worship convicts us of our powerlessness over our own circumstances. Yielding to God in worship unleashes within us a holy power to conquer fear, death, tragedy, hurt, pain, poverty and hate. Worship rescues us from the direst of life’s challenges. Worship raises the volume of that small voice within us giving us certainty of our calling. Worship completes us and connects us to our eternal dwelling place and to the glory of God.

   Life is a gift. Each day and each breath are presents from above. We should fill each day and each task with a sense of holiness and worship. Worship becomes the conduit from which all blessings flow. The more we worship, the more we understand why we were made.


Joe Turnham has gained a national reputation both as a political figure and tier-one consultant to a myriad of clients. Joe’s services are in demand nationally as a consultant, speaker, political advisor and commentator. Click here to learn more about Joe.

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