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Today's Daily Devotional Excerpt

What Seest Thou?
“Our Directive from God is Often Our Simple View Expanded to a Holy Vision”

“Moreover the word of the LORD came unto me, saying, Jeremiah, What seest thou? And I said, I see a rod of an almond tree. Then said the LORD unto me, Thou hast well seen: for I will hasten my word to perform it. And the word of the LORD came unto me a second time, saying, What seest thou? And I said, I see a seething pot; and the face thereof is toward the north”

Featured Scripture: Jeremiah 1:11–13
Background Scripture: Jeremiah 1

How will I know? What sign will come to me? When can I know that this insight and passion that has been filling my soul is, indeed, a holy vision from God? It is not only the leaders of faith of our day who wrestle with how to take a simple view and turn it to God’s holy vision. In today’s lesson, the great prophet Jeremiah was seeing more »

Our Prayer: God, we give thanks to You for the prophets and the visionary leaders of faith who obediently took a view and turned it into Your vision. Create in us, O Lord, pure and humble hearts and minds so we, too, can see Your vision of the future in our own lives. Help us to lead others in truth and light. Show us how to take the fledgling signs and inclinations in our hearts and turn them into bold visions of faithful leadership by Your hand. Amen.
Tomorrow's Devotional: When All You Have Is Stripped Away, Rejoice!

Foreward by Joe Turnham

Throughout generations people have combed the Holy Scriptures in search of meaning, purpose, solace and forgiveness. Its words give us new understanding of creation, history, prophecy and revelation: therein, we find the promise of the soul’s salvation.

But my own burden and calling that led me to the writing of this book, Leading From Our Knees, revealed to me that the Holy Scriptures are also the ultimate collection of timeless leadership precepts. From Genesis to Revelation we encounter those many reluctant and imperfect characters that God chose to become leaders for holy tasks. God worked His providence and purpose through each of them and bids you also as a leader in this time to become a partner in building the Kingdom of God. read more »